Crowdfunding Hope for Animated Sci-Fi: Jeff Saamanen – Episode 73

It’s my pleasure to kick Season 4 of the Podcast off with this chat with Jeff Saamanen, one of the two minds behind an animated sci-fi epic called Lost Hope. Jeff and his co-creator Natalie Harvey are currently running a Kickstarter to fund the first four episodes of this fusion of Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Archer, and it’s my pleasure to help promote their campaign!

It was great fun to have a virtual sit-down with Geoff and geek out about science fiction, animation, independent projects and games in general! Please listen and enjoy!

Oh, and: Back Lost Hope on Kickstarter!



Lost Hope

Official website


Other Projects


Things Jeff Digs and Other Stuff Mentioned

The Arksville Homicides animated web series


Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Firefly / Serenity

Rooster Teeth Productions

Star Wars: Battlefront

XCOM: The Board Game

XCOM: Enemy Unknown / Within

Featured image supplied by Jeff Saamanen